Faded Frames

Lavanya Addepalli
2 min readOct 5, 2023


Every morning, as I sip my coffee, my eyes are drawn to that old photograph on the fridge — a snapshot of us on that sunlit beach, grinning wildly, sand on our cheeks, and love so palpable it almost drips from the picture. The vibrant colors of that day, our laughter echoing with the waves, everything felt so alive, so incredibly vivid.

Lately, however, I’ve started to feel like that photograph — a bit faded, still reminiscent of good times but no longer as clear and vibrant. Work has been grueling. Endless meetings, deadlines, and a pressure that feels like a heavy backpack I can’t put down. By the time I get home, I’m too tired to do much else but eat and sleep. Our conversations, once deep and full of shared dreams, have dwindled to discussions about bills, groceries, or that leaky faucet needing attention.

The other day, as I sat in another monotonous meeting, my mind wandered back to that beach day. The spontaneity, the joy, the way we’d toss our plans and chase waves. The realization hit me hard — we’ve let our love become like an old photo, its colors faded, its essence still there but not as pronounced… !

“Their love, once a beautiful painting full of vibrant colours, had turned into a sketch, its colors faded and lines blurred.”

Love is an ever-evolving tapestry, changing with the ebb and flow of time. It’s a reminder to cherish the bright moments and work through the faded ones. As we journey through life, let’s strive to keep our canvas as vibrant as the memories we create. #LoveAndArt #EmotionsInColor #Beautifulchaos



Lavanya Addepalli

“Wandering Researcher” .. Student by profession... Human by heart with clusters in brain.. Travel & Music Lover, Foodie, Ghost Writer